Transformation stories

Jenny Maxwell – Finance Assistant

1 min 7 August 2023

It was a chance conversation with a friend at the school gate that led me to FSP! I was telling her about the travel company I worked for going under after being badly hit by covid travel restrictions, and she said “I have a friend who has a lovely company – let’s see what jobs they have going”. We had a look, and there happened to be a Finance Assistant job going so I applied and here I am!

Having spent the previous 14 years at the same company in various management and PA positions, I had decided to make quite a dramatic career change, so this job was my first step into the world of accounts, and I wasn’t sure how I would get on. However, from day one I have felt very much at home. My team has been hugely supportive and patient, helping me get to grips with the world of finance, giving me ownership of various aspects, and introducing me to new areas. I have also been in the amazing position of seeing the company go through a change of investor and an acquisition from a finance perspective which has been an incredibly interesting and valuable experience, one which I know I wouldn’t have had in a lot of companies.

The friendliness, flexibility and support that FSP has offered has been amazing, and I feel very lucky to be working in a job where I get up in the morning looking forward to my day, whether it be going into the office and seeing people, or working from home and getting on with things, knowing if I have a question, support is a Teams message away! I am looking forward to seeing where the future takes FSP and being a part of the journey.